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Danny Danielle by Magic Hour Productions

Country   United States

State   California

City   Los Angeles

Genre : Drama

Character : JAROSLAV MILER - Dentist

Line : You are under arrest.

Prop : Perfume

Summary :
Danny was caught by his mom in her closet... in her clothes… and pearls. Cast out by his family he struggled to reconcile his inside identity, with his outside. At first he tried to squash his spirit with drugs. Through care he was able to blossom into the beautiful female he always was. Only to return home and discover the person who understood him the least, he was the most like.

danny danielle by Magic Hour Productions
Mariya Pyter
Diane Lansing
Mariya Pyter
Jake David
Diane Lansing
Director Photography
Delia Quinonez
Music Composer
Andru Thomas
Production Designer
Diane Lansing
Andru Thomas
Lead Cast
Olivia R. Day
Associate Producers
Alejandro Herrera
Phil Ramuno
Costume Designer
Diane Lansing
Unit Production Manager
Mariya Pyter
Assistant Director
Sarah Gilman
Full Cast Character List
Olivia R. Day as Danny/Danielle Miler
Janlyn Williams as Sarah Miler
Mark Motyl as Jaroslav Miler
Grace Bosley as Janet Miler
John Woodley as Therapist Thomas
Stunt Dept
Delia Quinonez
Leslie Gamero
Assistant Editors
Jake David
Visual Effects
Song Credits



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