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My kindred blood by Lady in black socks

Country   Russian Federation

City   Moscow

Genre : Thriller or Suspense

Character : TAMSIN LAITHWAITE - Fashion Designer

Line : Heights make him dizzy.

Prop : A Cross

Summary :
Two sisters, a notary and a stranger. An unusual company. Once rich businessman Lightweight is now dead and famous notary Andrew is arranging his Last Will for heiresses. Tamsin – glamorous and elegant, the ideal fashion designer, she is always cheerful and active. Helen – cold, lonely with permanent troubled-by-nothing look. What dark secrets can these girls reveal? Unfortunate Andrew finds himself is in the center of the dangerous plot. And nobody knows who the Puppet Master is.

Margarita Maslova
Margarita Maslova
Anna Pavlichenko
Margarita Maslova
Director Photography
Margarita Maslova
Music Composer
Ilias Salaev
Production Designer
Margarita Maslova
Margarita Maslova
Anna Pavlichenko
Lead Cast
Margarita Maslova
Associate Producers
Costume Designer
Unit Production Manager
Assistant Director
Anna Pavlichenko
Full Cast Character List
Margarita Maslova as Tamsin Laithwaite
Anna Pavlichenko as Helen Laithwaite
Aleksey Krasavin as Andrey, lawyer
Georgiy Tkachenko as Butler
Svetlana Romanenkova as Mother Laithwaite
Maksim Murashov as Father Laithwaite
Dmitriy Kozhevnikov as Stranger
Stunt Dept
Margarita Maslova
Anna Pavlichenko
Georgiy Tkachenko
Assistant Editors
Visual Effects
Song Credits



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