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Raising Hall by Aevus Media

Country   United States

State   Maryland

City   Berlin

Genre : Comedy

Character : LARA PITCHFORTH - Actress

Line : This is no use to man nor beast.

Prop : Mask

Summary :
Principal Dewitt is counting on the Jefferson School Hall Monitors to stop crime at the school.

Davis Mears
Riley Dickerson
Ross Deckmann
Davis Mears
Josh Willey
Clare Riley
Jonathan Ruddo
Nancy Raskauskas
Director Photography
Tate Shockley
Music Composer
Josh Willey
Production Designer
Olivia Parker
Davis Mears
Tate Shockley
Lead Cast
Ross Deckmann
Riley Dickerson
Alex Abbott
Clare Riley
Jonathan Ruddo
Jordan Welch
Associate Producers
Davis Mears
Costume Designer
Paul Townsend
Unit Production Manager
Assistant Director
Clare Riley
Jordan Welch
Full Cast Character List
Ross Deckmann as Ringo
Riley Dickerson as Paulie
Alex Abbott as Samson
Clare Riley as Lara Pitchforth
Jonathan Ruddo as Principal Dewitt
Jordan Welch as Andrew Easton
Allie Van Orden as Play Director
Zach Wilson as Drug Dealer 1
Maria Deckmann as Drug Dealer 2
Josh Willey as Homework Dealer 1
Olivia Parker as Homework Dealer 2
Emily Dignan as Student 1
Adam Mcinerney as Student 2
Stunt Dept
Tate Shockley
Tate Shockley
Assistant Editors
Visual Effects
Davis Mears
Song Credits
Josh Willey



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