Your key to success in hollywood



Destiny by Retro Productions

Country   United States

State   Michigan

City   Grand Rapids

Genre : Comedy

Character : JAROSLAV MILER - Dentist

Line : I know, and to be honest I knew it already.

Prop : Bag

Summary :
Jaroslav Miler wants to hand down the family dentistry business but his eldest son Yargov wants to be a dancer. Jaroslav agrees to let Yargov become a dancer, if he can win a spot as a student of the great dance instructor Fosse. Yargov's adopted brother Bill, helps him train for the audition. At the audition Yargov dances his heart out but is rejected and ridiculed by Fosse. Yargov returns to his father and accepts his role in the family business.

Reid Petro
Steve Rodenburg
Collin Everett
David Brown
Steve Rodenburg
Steve Rodenburg
Director Photography
Reid Petro
Music Composer
David Brown
Production Designer
Jacob Hop
Kitsune Tenshi
David Brown
Lead Cast
Collin Everett
Tristan Mailloux
Les Raebel
Steve Rodenburg
Associate Producers
Costume Designer
Unit Production Manager
Assistant Director
Tristan Mailloux
Full Cast Character List
Collin Everett as Yorgen Miler
Tristan Mailloux as Bill Miler
Les Raebel as Jaroslav Miler
Steve Rodenburg as Fosse
Yessnia Gomez as Dancing Woman
Stunt Dept
Jacob Delaat
Matt Horling
Dale Dare
Assistant Editors
Visual Effects
Song Credits



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