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#8 Things Talented Filmmakers Never Say


Talented people talk always positively and in a healthy way, combining the appropriate blend of confidence, kindness and humility. They share originality with all their soul and inspire more people to action without competing. Check out what powerful and talented filmmakers never say, so you can be one of them.

1. "I've always done it that way."
Oh, no! Talented filmmakers are open-minded. You will never see a talented director, actor, writer or producer waste time protecting the status quo. Quite the opposite, every time they will pop up boldly with the question, "Why?" Pushing results to the next level is their goal. Talented people are not afraid to rock the boat especially when it's heading in absolutely the wrong direction.

2. "To be honest..."
Almost every time someone is trying to act more transparent, it says this. But most of the time, they don’t mean it. Talented filmmakers know it's a waste of words to say things like "honestly", “honest”, “frankly”, when it would only make all the others question their honesty almost every time. Talented filmmakers don’t need to convince anyone about “honesty”, because their art speaks the truth and the camera captures their real feelings. So stick with sharing the truth through your vision without adding conditions or caveats. When you have a vision, you do not pretend, so do the same when you want to express your feelings through words as well.

3. "Oh this is not my problem."
Talented filmmakers love problems. They love getting challenges 24 hours per day and 365 days per year, converting them into solutions. They don't avoid responsibility, but embrace it with statements like, "That's on me," or "I'll handle this, not a problem." When it comes to taking responsibility, real talented filmmakers dive in first, and when it comes to taking credit, they put themselves last. They don’t care. And if you don’t care, you get! This is our business. Be cool, let your art talk, instead of your big words and demands.

4. "Let me tell you the gossip…"
You'll never see talented artists demeaning other people. Gossip is not in their DNA. Their DNA is a mixture of positive feelings, thoughts, and vision. They are pretty sure that their influence with others is only as strong as how well they treat everyone at all times. Powerful and talented filmmakers do not insult, or put their crew and artists down. They’re trying to make them feel great all the time, in order to keep them productive.

 5. "NO WAY, it’s impossible, don’t do it."
Talented directors make the impossible possible, and never kill dreams. They build up immunity to doubt and willingness to explore the impossible and make it happen. Nothing can stop them help you achieve your vision further. Even if it is difficult, they will help you find the way out and make your dreams come true. Because in their world, only the possible exists.

6. "I like to work alone."
Famous filmmakers are not loners. No one can make it all alone. The film business is not a one-man show. Everything and everyone is connected now, and talented filmmakers get that.  They maximize their efforts by working with and through others. They aren't afraid to say, "I don't know", or “I’m not familiar with that”, or “Please could you help me here”. Ask for help, especially when they're leading, it is vital. They don’t let their pride get in the way, and they put their egos aside because it risks damaging the trust with others.

7. "I'm sick of this movie, I hate this project..."
Talented filmmakers never complain and never make negative comments about a project they are involved in. They know it's a waste of energy, and that it kills people’s power. Whenever they feel like complaining, they immediately try to think positively and find a solution to whatever problem or issue are facing.

8. "I’m afraid of the challenge of the 48 ..."
Talented Filmmakers are not afraid of the challenge. They love the challenge, and they love 48FILM Project. They do it again and again and again, but not because they care to win. They know that besides the final result of this competition they are already winners by even walking into this competition. Everyone is a winner who achieves a short film in 48 hours. It doesn’t matter if it is perfect, great, good or bad. 48FILM project is not a film challenge. It is your key to success, it is your way to have fun, it is the way you keep your creativity up and up and up each time. It is the film project that helps you connect with the rest of the world. Thousands of filmmakers from more than 130 cities and countries all over the world have entered the 48FILM Project. You can feel the diversity of talent united with your powerful talent as well.
So not only talented filmmakers are not afraid of the 48FILM Project but they love it!
This is their hidden power that makes them powerful and talented.

So why don’t you try as well? Register your team now here, and participate when you are ready. Winners will screen at the DIRECTORS GUILD OF AMERICA in Hollywood and win more than $48,000 budget to shoot a feature film next year.
So this is the true about all talented filmmakers who prefer of being the example to others. They think and act positive, feel positive, mind and soul. Their art is neat clean. Their movies are talking the true and become a success. They trust the universe and they are very sure for the paths they’ve choose to go through. They are positive that will lead them in the right decision. They don’t afraid to ask for help, to share their time and expertise, to support fellow filmmakers and to applause the great result of a project.
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